Receptions, Shows and Openings:
july 2005

This is a fun thing to do on a Friday Night. We will give you a map. You can walk to the local galleries and see the new Art. Also, Ale Mary's is a fun pit stop on our corner...

We work pretty hard to get these shows together, but please consider the artist. These four local women have created some very beautiful paintings. Four different styles, all of it very artfully done. Cathy Darchicourt, Jennifer Wheatley, Maria Cavacos and Ferrell Campbell. It would mean a lot to them if you could stop by to take a look at their work. Also, it would make the Gallery owners happy to get one more crowd together for some laughs and a good chat. (We will close for the month of August, so this is the last big party for a while).You already know that Fells Point is a fun part of town and it's easy to park near us for the ART LOOP.

Please join us for some snacks and a glass of wine. You don't have to buy anything - if you just show up, it will be a success! Friday July 1st, 5pm-10pm.

Tony, Melinda and Sarah Walker
Gallery ID8
2007 Fleet Street
(410) 276 - 8190


Hello from matt sesow ( the painter @ )... A quick update and THANKS to everybody that came by my spot at the Sowebo festival in baltimore on Sunday. It was the best yet for me in terms of new collectors and happiness. For those of you in DC and the state of Nebraska, please consider the following... I have two openings this Friday:

WASHINGTON, DC (FRIDAY JUNE 3): At the Museum of Contemporary Art DC (in Georgetown). The opening reception for “What’s so Terrible About Being Beautiful” show. 6-9PM opening reception... Free (runs thru june 29). I’ll have 14 or so recent works framed and for sale and for perusal. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the opening reception, I’ll be in nebraska for a different show of mine... It’s a group show with peter photikoe, andrew wodzianski, and joyce zipperer. MOCA dc is at 1054 31st street, nw canal square. (202-342-6230)

*** Afterwards, please check out ‘exit clov’ at the black cat club (1811 14th St. NW)... They have featured my paintings on two recent album releases (“saskwatch” and “starfish”)

LINCOLN, NEBRASKA (FRIDAY JUNE 3): “Husker Du (do you remember)?”.. A solo show by matt sesow at the Folsom Gallery of University Place Art in lincoln, nebraska. I’m from nebraska, and this family reunion-type show will feature a lot of small framed works and a chance to meet my mom, dad, brother and other treasured relatives. Reception on Friday is from 5:30-7pm on Friday (2601 N 48th street).


The Three Guys from Miami those fun loving goodwill ambassadors of all that is great about our magic city and renown chefs & promoters of Cuban cuisine have showcased the art of Tony Mendoza ( yours truly ) in their informative Internet magazine if you would like to view the feature please click on the following link: WWW.ICUBAN.COM

Regards and enjoy,


You're invited to two upcoming shows of bodypainting work. Sorry for such short notice but it's been very hectic this month.

"Seven" - Opening reception Thursday, June 30 at Warehouse Gallery. 1021 7th Street, NW from 6-8:30. Rising opera star and frequent paintee, Hisham Breedlove and his sister Camille will make the night memorable. You don't want to miss this. Here's the website.

"Angst for the Mammaries" opens at Touchstone next week. 406 7th Street, NW. Opening Reception is 6-8:30, Friday, July 8. Gallery talk with the artists is Friday, July 15 at 7. I'll be out of town for the opening reception but I'll be at the talk. Info is on Touchstone's site at and my site at

I hope you can make it to one or both. Bring a friend or 3 along.
See what's new at


ECCENTRIC SPACE - installations by 7 Philadelphia-based artists Curated by Tadashi Moriyama
July 1st - Aug 17th 2005

Opening: July 1st, First Friday, 6-11p.m.
Location: MBNstudios Cafe Gallery, 2F / 725 N. 4th Street (4th+brown st)

Artists: Paul Hamanaka - Daisuke Hatori - Leslie Mutchler - Kenya Nakazawa - Natasha Pestich - Daniel Tague - Wendy Wolf

Eccentric Spaces features diverse artistic strategies that examine the unconventional representations. Included are large scale meditative paintings by Daisuke Hatori, installation of video and repetitive lithograph prints on paper by Wendy Wolf, and Natasha Pestich's Resident Aliens is a set of Canadian suits provoked by her shift in vernaculars.

Paul Hamanaka's work interplays between the real and the fictional by shadow presentations. Kenya Nakazawa video projection on the floor submerges viewers into the peculiar digital space. Leslie Mutchler creates the flimsy landscape by elevated ground of record. Daniel Tague presents loops of five-minute musical performance throughout the opening night.

We hope to see you all on Friday! Thank you for your time and support.

Thank you for your time and support. FREEFORM @ MBNstudios

MBNstudios - First Fridays
725 N. 4TH St. Philadelphia, PA
studio: e)


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  1. January 2006
  2. February 2006
  3. March 2006
  4. April 2006 and Connecting-Art at the UN
  5. May 2006
  6. June 2005
  7. July 2005
  8. August 2004
  9. September 2006
  10. October 2005
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