Receptions, Shows and Openings:
june 2005

Apex Gallery - Washington DC
3rd Annual "Tribute to Fiber Art"
May 6th to June 18th, 2005
Opening Reception: Friday, May 13
3rd Thursday: May 19

Opening Reception: Friday, June 10
3rd Thursday: June 16
Receptions: 6 to 8 pm


Elizabeth Barton, Pamela Becker, Mary Beth Bellah, Julie Booth, Lisa Bowes, Jan Clark, Elizabeth Fram, Polly Giacchina, Lorraine Glessner, Joan Griffin, Jiseon Lee Isbara, Marty Jonas, Ruth Kerwath, Catherine Kleeman, Lisa Kriner, Denise Linet, Peggy Love, Lois Lunin, Barbara McKie, Amanda Micheletto, Jane Moore, Margit Morawietz, Elizabeth Morisette, Dominie Nash, Sharron Parker, Judith Plotner, Leslie Pontz, Monica Prince, Mary Francis Reymann, Michelle Sales, Joy Saville, Barbara Schulman, Janet Schultz, Penelope Sharp, Maria Simonsson, Jane Skafte, Leandra Spangler, Brooks Harris Stevens, Carol Taylor, Nicole Chazaud Telaar, Charlotte Thorp, Pamela Topham, Sandra Trimble, Melitta VanderBrooke, Jan-Ru Wan and Sandra LH Woock.

Ardyth Davis will have a solo showing of her work in this years event.

Works by Maria Simonsson: "Hanging Around"
Sandra Trimble: "Faith"

Jodi Walsh

APEX Gallery
Gallery Hours: Wed - Sat 11am to 5pm
Sunday: noon to 5pm


Hello from matt sesow ( the painter @ )... A quick update and THANKS to everybody that came by my spot at the Sowebo festival in baltimore on Sunday. It was the best yet for me in terms of new collectors and happiness. For those of you in DC and the state of Nebraska, please consider the following... I have two openings this Friday:

WASHINGTON, DC (FRIDAY JUNE 3): At the Museum of Contemporary Art DC (in Georgetown). The opening reception for “What’s so Terrible About Being Beautiful” show. 6-9PM opening reception... Free (runs thru june 29). I’ll have 14 or so recent works framed and for sale and for perusal. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the opening reception, I’ll be in nebraska for a different show of mine... It’s a group show with peter photikoe, andrew wodzianski, and joyce zipperer. MOCA dc is at 1054 31st street, nw canal square. (202-342-6230)

*** Afterwards, please check out ‘exit clov’ at the black cat club (1811 14th St. NW)... They have featured my paintings on two recent album releases (“saskwatch” and “starfish”)

LINCOLN, NEBRASKA (FRIDAY JUNE 3): “Husker Du (do you remember)?”.. A solo show by matt sesow at the Folsom Gallery of University Place Art in lincoln, nebraska. I’m from nebraska, and this family reunion-type show will feature a lot of small framed works and a chance to meet my mom, dad, brother and other treasured relatives. Reception on Friday is from 5:30-7pm on Friday (2601 N 48th street).


Hi from Tony and Gallery ID8,

It is important for me to try to get people in to see the new Art that our neighbors are creating. Please join us this Friday evening, June 3rd, to see the newest paintings by Keith Mason and Andy Darlington. We will also be featuring an imaginative local photographer we've just met - Gary Pierpoint. It is an interesting show - if it wasn't, I wouldn't be doing all this work!

It's a free night out - you know the routine. Bring a friend, have a glass of wine. Meet the artists and your neighbors for an interesting chat. Walk the Art Loop and have a bunch of parties!

It's Art Loop Friday and we can give you a map. Take a stroll around Fells Point and see the new art in town. THANKS!

Gallery ID8, 2007 Fleet Street, (410) 276 - 8190, FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd, 5PM-10PM

Tony and Melinda Walker
for a map (410)276 -8190


Current Exhibition
"HOME" - Mixed Media Show by FREEFORM Artists & Residents 4/1/05 - 6/25/05

Upcoming Exhibition
"ECCENTRIC SPACE" - Installation & Mixed Media Works by 6 Artists -
7/1/05 - 8/17/05
First Friday Opening Reception : 7/1/05 - 6:00pm-11:00pm
*More information TBA

More Events at Gallery
"BBOY BBQ 2005 PHILADELPHIA" - Exhibition
6/9/05 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm @ MBNstudios - 4th & Brown Streets in Northern Liberties

"Watch Me Now" - A photo documentary capturing five years of the BBoy BBQ.
Featuring work by Photographers Ryan Hendon, Jeannine Lee Raymond Vasquez & Soloman Joseph.

"Scene Not Heard" - A film by Maori Holmes.about the women of the Philadelphia Hip Hop scene.

For more information, visit :

Thank you for your time and support. FREEFORM @ MBNstudios

MBNstudios - First Fridays
725 N. 4TH St. Philadelphia, PA
studio: e)


Artrujillo GalleryEVENT: Le Double Vie de Veronique, La Doble Vida de Veronica, The Double Life of Veronica.

Opening on Saturday, June 11th, 2005 from 5-11pm.

LOCATION: ArTrujillo Gallery, 349 13 Av NE, Minneapolis MN 55413
HOURS: Opening on Saturday, June 11th, 2005 from 5-11 PM.
– Exhibit runs thru June 6th - 15th. 2005.
- Gallery hours: Tues - Sat 2:00 - 9:00 PM, Sun 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Show running from June 6th though June 15th, 2005

CONTACT: Alejandro Trujillo, Gallery owner - phone 612-821-9076

Show running from June 6th though June 15th, 2005


Click Here to Add Your Show - Gallery - Reception

  1. January 2006
  2. February 2006
  3. March 2006
  4. April 2006 and Connecting-Art at the UN
  5. May 2006
  6. June 2005
  7. July 2005
  8. August 2004
  9. September 2006
  10. October 2005
  11. November 2005
  12. December 2005

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