Receptions, Shows & Openings:
March 2006


Do not forget to stop by The Graham Collection located at 3518 12th St NE in Washington, DC and The Culture Shop located at 341 Cedar St NW in Washington,DC where Afrika Midnight Asha Abney has art on view and for sale until March 31, 2006. Also, visit her sites located at and

Contact Info:
Phone Number: 202-455-3773


Similar similarities and Strange attractors
by Gary Frier & Garth Erasmus

From 23 March to 5 April
@the Alliance Française du Cap - 155,Loop Street
(021)423 5699 -

The Gallery is open:
Mondays-Thursdays: 9h00-18h00
Fridays: 9h00-17h00
Saturdays: 9h00-12h00

23 March 6:30pm : Opening night performance piece by Garth Erasmus, “No Quarter tet for Billy Maldini”

Gary Frier and Garth Erasmus are presenting an original exhibition which deals with the similarities and differences that make up portraits :

Gary Frier is an artist from Cape Town. In this exhibition, he endeavours to find a figurative relationship between existing portraits and expressionistic memories of faces

Garth Erasmus comes from rural roots in the Eastern Cape. Erasmus is known as a “painter” who uses unorthodox materials.He proposes a new style based on the markings made by fire.

More Info HERE


I am glad to send you the invitation to my exhibit “Contact”, dedicated to visually impaired people. This exhibit will be inaugurated the next week, and will be open for one month, in Cali, Colombia. There is in the picture of the invitation a blind woman, guiding a boy.

There is an article (Spanish), published this week in the Chilean magazine Cultural Scanner, about the exhibit at: Attached you will find the translation of the article to English.

Comfandi Cultural Center
March 21th to April 23th, 2006
Second component of the secuence of Exhibits of Jorge Restrepo

Tuesday March 21th, 7:00 pm
Sala de exposiciones 5to. piso
Calle 8 No. 6-23, Cali, Colombia

Jorge Restrepo
Phone: (504) 7766140 ext 2351
FAX: (504) 7766242
PoBox 93, Tegucigalpa Honduras


Reception: #1 - Art At Night in Hampden
The Art Under Ground Studio
On the Avenue in Hampden
826 West 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Phone 410.916.7273
Alley Side Entrance

Reception and Open Studio Friday March 10, 2006
4:00 - 10:00PM (early birds welcome!)

Works by Rick Santiago, Dave Kendall, Adrienne Mills, Paul Mintz, Nhoj Yesdnil
and a surprise guest or 2...

For more info please visit ART UNDER GROUND STUDIO
This is our first show/reception at the studio - hope you can stop by.  We will also have an Open Studio on Saturday March 11, 10:00AM - 5:00PM.  Food and Drink will be served...


Dear Artists,

There is a show opportunity at MBN studios. ,located at 4th and brown st, Northern Liberties. April 7-28. Opening on April 7th, 1st Friday

This exhibition seeks artists that are creating type type of forms of expression in their art, exploring anti war subjects.? In addition to featuring photo, sculptures, installations, you will be given to experiment ways of displaying video, and new media art. This project is sponsored by mbnstudios, a webdata base company in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia.

If anyone is interested, send images of your work and brief statement, to Tadashi Moriyma,


28th Anniversary Exhibition - ZENUTH GALLERY - Washington, DC
March 3 - March 28, 2006
Opening Receptions: Friday, March 3 6-9pm & Sunday, March 5 2-5pm

From it’s beginnings in 1978 Zenith Gallery has stood the tests of time in the Washington DC metropolitan area and evolved as a groundbreaking contemporary art space representing hundreds of artists in the thriving Penn Quarter neighborhood.
This month long tribute to Zenith Gallery’s 28th year in business will feature 36 artists in media such as painting, sculpture, photography and printmaking. This is not only an exhibition but also an acknowledgment to the strength and diversity of the Zenith Gallery community of artists and patrons.

John Aaron Brenda Gordon John Malmstrom Sica Michael Young Gloria Cesal Stephen Hansen Michela Mansuino Ellen Sinel Joyce Zipperer James Carter Philip Hazard Anne Marchand Bradley Stevens Renèe duRocher Robert C. Jackson Marianne Mitchell James Tormey Drew Ernst Jodi Glenn Moreton Wayne Trapp Glenna Evans Joan Konkel Carol Newmyer Candice Watkins David Glick Stephen Maffin David Richardson Ray Wiger Margery E. Goldberg Michael Madzo Guenther Riess Paul Martin Wolff

Contact: Anne Surak, Manager

413 7th Street NW • Washington DC 20004 • 202-783-2963 • •


Artexpo New York 2006
Booth # 409
2 - 6 March
Jacob Javits Center
Booth #409

The Bike Show at Carlisle
March 11 - 12
Carlisle Expo Center
Carlisle, PA

The Bike Show at New Jersey
March 18 - 19
New Jersy Convention Center
Edison, NY

Mark Cottman


Europa Gallery
98 Meserole Ave (at Manhattan Ave) Brooklyn, NY.

Solo Show
"Captain Crunch & Cartoons"

July 30 - August 13, 2006
Reception: July 30 at 8pm

Tony "Baloney" Juliano
Free-lance artist & comic painter



EVENT: “From the Euphrates to the Mississippi”
- Exhibit of art from Nasiriyah, Iraq
LOCATION: ArTrujillo Gallery, 349 13 Av NE, Minneapolis MN 55413
HOURS: Opening reception on Friday, February 24th. from 5-11pm

– Art Exhibit runs thru March 24th. 2006.
- Gallery hours Tuesday thru Saturday 5pm-10pm
CONTACT: Jim Grasfgaard at phone 612 423-0141


Click Here to Add Your Show - Gallery - Reception

  1. January 2006
  2. February 2006
  3. March 2006
  4. April 2006 and Connecting-Art at the UN
  5. May 2006
  6. June 2005
  7. July 2005
  8. August 2004
  9. September 2006
  10. October 2005
  11. November 2005
  12. December 2005

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