Receptions, Shows and Openings:
may 2006

Press Release

"Visual Verse" exhibition opens at the La Conner Quilt Museum

Seattle, WA, May 17, 2006: The "Visual Verse" exhibition will open at the La Conner Quilt Museum in La Conner, Washington on May 17th and will run through July 16th. The project was an intensive yearlong collaborative effort between textile artists and poets sponsored by the Contemporary QuiltArt Association.

Completed projects include works in both visual and literary form, investigat- ing these art formsÕ intersections, connections and depar- tures. The exhibition explores visual/literary collaboration in depth, as each artist/poet paring committed to documenting their combined process through journaling, photographs, video or audio recording, a website, or some combination of these, or other media. The resulting juried exhibition features the innovative works of over two dozen artist/poet partner- ships. Seattle residents Janet Kurjan, Bonny Brewer, Priscilla Peterson, Patty Hieb, Lindi Wood, Lorraine Edmond, Karen Soma and Kristin Dukay are among 17 quilt artists juried into ÒVisual Verse,Ó an exhibition. Bonny Brewer and Janet Kur- jan's collaborated with poet Jill McGrath on two quilts, "Plum Tango" based on Jill's poem by the same name and "She Wears Her Art" based on "Quilt Walking, What Entices You." Priscilla Peterson's has two quilts in the exhibition, "She Wears Her Art" and "Wetland," both collaborations with poet Ann Batchelor Hursey. Patty Hieb collaborated with poet Allie Gerlach for her quilt, "Wonders Never Cease," based on Allie's poem, "Wonder Dream Imagine: A Poetic Ternion." Lindi Wood's quilt, "A Week Like Any Other" is based on Marjorie Rommel's poem, "Cross Stitch Sequence." Lorraine Ed- mond collaborated with Diane Westergaard for her art quilt, "The Surface of Water." It is in- spired by Diane's poems, "Ode to Water," "August on Snake River" and "Twilight on Greenlake." Karen Soma's quilt, "Infinity" is a collaboration with poet Ann Spiers and her poem, "South of Hoh." Kristin Dukay, whose piece is entitled "Tired History," collaborated with poet David Hannah.

From 66 entries submitted, noted quilt artist Michael James and poet/editor Hilda Raz selected 25 works to be part of the Visual Verse exhibition. Both jurors are on the faculty of the University of Nebraska.

CQA is currently seeking venues for the "Visual Verse" exhibition.

Contemporary QuiltArt Association, P.O. Box 95685, Seattle, WA 98145-2685,
Contacts: Jennifer Livingston, and Kathy Mishima,


TR3S: A Collective In Color
May 25th, 2006
6pm to 12 am
2020 Congress
Muse Gallery
Houston, Texas

Artists: Armando Castelan, Christian Navarrete, Julie Zarate With musical performances by Maldito Sol [featuring Mark Pinon}, Program, and the debut of The Umbrella Man


Promotional Flyer:

Thank you for your consideration.
Julie Zarate


Art Under Ground Studio

Show #3 - the fifth of may - Celebrate Cinco de Mayo at the Art Under Ground Studio on Friday May 5, 2006. Buy, Sell or Trade T-Shirts, all original art no iron ONs! plus more... for those history buffs learn more about Cinco de Mayo

Friday May 5, 2006 @ 5:00PM
Food and Drink
Art Under Ground Studio
826 West 36th Street
(side entrance or through the Pearl Gallery)
Baltimore, MD 21211
410-916-7273 (Voicemail) or 443-451-5124 (a real person)


Art by Drew FaganFor Immediate Release Contact:
Craig Gilliland
Spindrift Gallery
Date: April 22, 2006 Where: Gualala, CA

Drew Fagan’s “Ducks. Trucks. And Automobiles”

Spindrift Gallery in Gualala, CA presents Drew Fagan’s “Ducks.Trucks. And Automobiles” with an opening exhibition on May 6th , 5 – 7pm, exhibiting through June 25, 2006.

Drew Fagan received a BFA from Stanford University, studying under Daniel Mendelowitz and Victor Arnautoff. His work has been shown a the Stanford Art Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the original Spago Restaurant in Hollywood, the Gualala Art Center, the Tokyo American Club and in other single and group shows.

“Ducks.Trucks. And Automobiles” is an exhibition of 15 new acrylic paintings that are a special combination of wry humor and artistic virtuosity.

In a written statement from the artist:

“In Tom Robbins’ latest book, “Wild Ducks Flying Backward”, he writes “The most useful thing about art is its uselessness.”

Sounds good to me! I love useless things: Trucks that don’t run, ducks that can’t fly and other rusty, battered and broken relics that will never again see better days, much less good ones.

My fascination with old, rusting trucks is aesthetic. My love affair with ducks began with a passage about a duck in the novel “Shogun”. Ducks are just plain fun. Trucks that do nothing but sit there taking up space and time, while they rot away, give substance to uselessness”.

For more information regarding the show, please go to or call 707-884-4484.


Open Call For Digital Art And Photography

Los Angeles Center for Digital Art
107 West Fifth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Director: Rex Bruce
Contact: (do not reply to this email)

Formatted version and complete prospectus:

LACDA announces our juried competion for digital art and photography. Entrants submit three JPEG files of original work. All styles of 2D artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable.

The selected winner recieves 10 prints up to 44x60 inches on canvas or museum quality paper (approximately a $1500-$2000 value) to be shown in a solo exhibition in our main gallery from June 8-July 1, 2006. The show will be widely promoted and will include a reception for the artist.

Second place prizes: Five second place winners will receive one print of their work up to 24x36 inches ($150-$200 in value) to be included in upcoming group shows. Second place winners will be scheduled into group shows within twelve months of announcement of winners. Consideration is given to placing these works in shows appropriate to their style, genre and/or content. These shows will be widely promoted and will include a reception for the artists.

Special consideration will be given to all entrants for inclusion in future shows at LACDA. Many entrants from past competitions have already been included in our exhibits.

Deadline for entries: May 21, 2006

Winners will be announced May 25, 2006.

Registration fee is $30US.

Direct link to for registration:

Online registration only.

Complete prospectus:

For questions email us at
No phone calls please.

Gallery Information:
Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is dedicated to the propagation of all forms of digital art, supporting local, international, emerging and established artists. We have an ongoing schedule of exhibits and competitions, and produce editions of wide format archival prints.


"University of Pennsylvania, MFA Thesis show 2006" at

ICEBOX Project Space
Crane Arts Building
1400 North American Street
Philadelphia, PA 19112

Opening Reception Friday, May 12th, 6-9 pm Visit

Hope to see you there!!
Tadashi Moriyama


For immediate release

Media may contact Alison Plaza at (561) 477-8514 or online at

This is… Cooler than the other side of the pillow! Dr. Wiggls Participates in the Boca Raton Museum of Art - The Artists’ Guild 3rd Juried Art Exhibition At The Boca Raton High School Boca Raton, Florida, May 02, 2006

Juan B Plaza a Boca Raton, Florida artist shows his piece On Life titled “All the Best Freaks are Here!” and his NEW piece On Music titled “When Chaos Becomes Bach” both juried in to the 3rd Juried Art Exhibition organized by the Boca Raton Museum of Art -Artists’ Guild at the Boca Raton High School.

Please join us this Wednesday May 3, 2006 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for the Opening Reception and Award Ceremony.

The exhibit will be open from May 1 to June 1, 2006 At
The Administration Building
1501 N.W. 15th Court
Boca Raton, FL

If you are in the Boca Raton area, don’t miss this show. Juan’s new piece On Music titled “When Chaos Becomes Bach” has not yet been uploaded to our web site. This is your opportunity to enjoy this novel piece in the midst of the work of other talented established and emerging Artists.

View Dr. Wiggl’s “All The Best Freaks Are Here!” (A tribute to Marillion) in the On Life section of the Gallery at

“It’s all a big game of construction. Some with a brush, some with a shovel, some choose a pen.” Jackson Pollock


May 5 – June 4, 2006
Opening Events: Friday, May 5, 6-9pm and Sunday, May 7, 2-5pm

Zenith Gallery is proud to host concurrent solo exhibitions for longtime resident artist, Anne Marchand, and newcomer, Alan Binstock. Both are fixtures of the Washington DC and Maryland art communities. Anne, a Washington artist and New Orleans native, has been an important contributor to the Washington community for many years. Her murals and public art projects can be seen throughout the city.

Anne Marchand sees space through movement. In this latest body of abstract, mixed media paintings, her compositions explore the connectedness of energy in the universe. Drawing inspiration from images of the Hubble telescope, her paintings contain the vastness of galaxies that morph into more recognizable and intimate earthly landscapes.

Mt. Rainier, Maryland artist, Alan Binstock is a sculptor, yoga devotee and NASA architect. His current body of work incorporates stone, glass and steel and is self-reflective. The sculptures balance, support and cantilever their way towards a visual resolution. Nancy Ungar of Sculpture Magazine writes, “he uses his art to give shape to the spiritual and intellectual searching that has informed his life. His elegant, minimal forms are honed to a poetic accuracy that illuminates complex statements through form, contrasting materials and, especially, color.”

Contact: Jodi Walsh, Marketing Director

413 7th Street NW • Washington DC 20004 • 202-783-2963 • •
Gallery Hours: Tues – Fri, 11am-6pm Sat, 11am-7pm Sun, 12-5pm


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  1. January 2006
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  3. March 2006
  4. April 2006 and Connecting-Art at the UN
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