Angela M. Pierce:
Beaded Jewelry Designs

Angela M Pierce - Beaded Jewelry DesignsAngela Pierce is presently an art educator for the Baltimore City Public School System.  After eighteen years, she is ready to make the career change, own her own business or be a museum educator creating programs and publishing books.  Meanwhile, one of her many passions is designing.  She started making jewelry about two years ago.  During a visit to New York City, she discovered unusual beaded jewelry in a gift shop.  Angela decided she could make similar, but improved designs, and the results are unique and beautiful.

Her current works include earrings, pendants, bracelets and necklaces.  She selects only top quality glass, metal and ceramic beads for all her artwork.  Bead type and colors can be made on request.  Here are a few examples of Angela's work.  Just click on the thumbnails and use you back button to return.


More of Angela's work will be showcased here in the coming weeks.  To reach Angela for questions email her at


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