My piece at the Out of Order Show by Maryland Art Place. Opening Reception Friday April 19, 2024. Big thanks again to MAP, this marks my 20th year participating at OOO!!! On a side note, works from 2004 through 2009 were exceptional but eats gradually went downhill after 2007! However, the open bar and food has vastly improved since 2016, if that makes any difference. (I have to confess, one year when there was a weird mix of eats, I picked up a nice looking cupcake but completely dropped it, it was a very moist cupcake, I think I just walked away.)
About – In the ancient Greek cosmogony the RIVER OKEANOS (Oceanus) was a great, fresh-water stream which encircled the flat disc of the earth… read more
Art – “The River Okeanos” is fabric applied on wood and acrylic paints, 32″ x 16″. This particular piece can be hung vertically as well as horizontally. There is an applied finish, so most stains can be wiped off with damp cloth or sponge.

If you have any question or comments message me at 443-390-6599