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2000 minus 1

also see FOODSCAPE by Artist Michael Hamilton
also see Artscape 1999 - Present et al

Artscape 1999 in Baltimore Maryland.  Maybe we were too harsh and critical of last years event.  We've recieved feedback over the last couple of months from a few artists that read this article and participated in Artscape.  There really was no "negative" feedback, nor any denial of things written in this article.  If we did not make it clear, our gripe was the influx of micro breweries at last years Artscape and the variety of art and artisans present. Today I take back my slight of the artists, maybe I was so influenced by the dejected look of some particpants and the comments of the visitors, so I apologize if I offended any artists.  I do stand firm on my premise that beer should not be available, at least not on the grounds of the event.  Isn't it enough to draw huge crowds with the best artists and artisans, music and live performances, exhibits and the art cars?  Would Artscape crowds dwindle if the beer stands were replaced by more art and cultural exhibits?  If it was up to me "I would leave the money on the dresser" and make Artscape an event for the artists.  Your Email feedback and comments welcome.

Baltimore, MD.--This year you could hear complaints from both sides of the aisle!  While discussing  Artscape with several friends...the major theme was disappointment.  Not the weather, not the time, not the heat, it was disappointment over the entire presentation.  Most just did not think Artscape was just that, art.  People were left with no reason to attend next year.  A Baltimore gallery owner said,"...they should just call it beerscape..." a friend commented"...they just don't seem to have art anymore...".  Even several artists hinted at their disappointment, one said, "...at least I made my gas money....".   This coming from artist who traveled hundreds of miles to make this years Artscape.  Artists selected to this event should not remember Artscape 2000 minus 1 for making "gas money".

I did not enjoy this years version of Artscape.  It seems variety of art was nonexistent.  How many paintings and photographs can you look at and remember the last one.  I think they should cut back on the free entertainment and concentrate more on the art.  Do you really need to have micro breweries at ArtScape?  I love drinking beer but what on earth does beer have to do with art. I think politics, or I should write, wrong politics ruled this years Artscape. These juried shows are notorious for the "who do you know or what should we show" syndrome. Whatever happened to the "may the best person win" or "hard work pays off" rules?  Not all the artist or art at this years festival could be classified as best in their field.  I feel for the artists that came away from Artscape disappointed.  Would they come back next year, most said yes but a surprising number said no.

All bad, of course not.  You did see, listen, and participate with some super artist.  The bands were great and it's free.  You got to see some of your friends and neighbors enjoying artscape. There was art to be found outside and inside.  My favorites included the artfully decorated cars and busses found on Mount Royal.

For next year, put the art back into artscape...drop the politics and beer...make Artscape the premier event it should be...showcase the best talent available!!!


1. Bright StARTS Tent--art work from children throughout Baltimore 2. 100 Square Foot House--Laure Drogoul, Bozo Prison(for four or more)  3.  Kim Wall--Glass Artist  4.  Marcia Sandmeyer Wilson 5. Randall Gornowich--ArtClocks  6.  7.  8.  Annual Car Show


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