I am an artist. I have to keep repeating this mantra to myself because sometimes it is still hard for me to believe. Though I am very critical of my work, creating visual art is the only means of expression with which I feel completely satisfied. Only the pieces that I feel are my best make it up for sale. I follow no set techniques, or subscribe to any individual genre or form. My work is spontaneous, stemming from raw emotion, visual experiences or subconscious ideas that intrigue my sense of creativeness. My inspiration stems from artists both celebrated and unknown, I am fueled by the continuous support and the positive, heartfelt appreciation of my fans and friends.
I've been an artist for over 15 years and consider myself an Outside Artist; I am a self taught artist. I create my art based upon what strikes me as interesting and unique, in hopes that my audience will relate to my pieces. I try not to create pieces that will get lost in the sway of pop culture. Each work is an emotional release, a spontaneous culmination of raw emotion, paint, vulnerability, ink, written words and a true passion for what I do - these elements are my palette and fuse together to create each distinctive piece. My preferred medium is watercolor, I enjoy the freedom and movement that it allows as well as the ability to layer it in varying opacities and textures. I also work with acrylics, and when paired with different gel mediums and polymers I find I can recreate the same techniques as I would with watercolor. I have been commissioned to create exceptionally large paintings, however I prefer to create smaller works of art. Working with smaller pieces allows me to conserve my mediums; I can design more work with what I already have. I find smaller works are more intimate and easier to take in. You can hold them, examine them closely in detail, as a whole, instead of fragments of a larger piece.
My art began with mixed media collages, a form which I still enjoy using today. In 2000, I started experimenting with wearable art. My first pieces were pendants featuring mixed media collage images under glass, and now have evolved to showcase my unique and distinctive paintings. Every painting that is incorporated into each piece is one of a kind, signed and dated and are encased in glass and metal. I love the concept of wearable art because it allows the wearer to proclaim to the world that they love and support art. My Rustic Relics-Tree Series have become my most popular design to date, and I will soon be incorporating my abstract paintings to this line...and then who knows, art s possibilities are endless!
Sarah Pezdek-Smith
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