I was born in 1966, the year of the horse, the fire horse to be exact. Grew up in a neighborhood of all colors, preferences, addictions, realities, beauties and hope, i suppose. A river in the backyard. Once a year the circus train would roll by. We'd freeze gloves we'd find into flipping-the-bird gestures, put them on sticks in snowbanks along the road, throw eggs at cop cars. Catch crayfish. I could read regular books before i was two, did a lot of drawings as a child like making up a whole comic book series about bionic meatballs and bionic broccolis, usually some kind of food i guess. Did pictures of robots and monsters and stuff, traded for gum and pens and whatever. This was all back before vcrs in every home and cable tv and shit, people used their imaginations a little more.
Was camping with my family, sleeping out in a tent, when a bright light shone through the trees and a silent ufo craft moved around out there, the energy was intense. Have had a bunch of other experiences like this, as well...Things like that have definately influenced the art i do. How could it not? Having some psychic family members, good record collections, curiousity, and a ton of hellhounds on your trail help, also, in funny ways.
I've lived in haunted houses, back porches, damp garages, next to furnaces, in churches, with criminals, dog owners, librarians, chefs and waitresses, ex-girlfiriends, kids and birds, fish, iguanas, pack-rats, crazies, early risers, overdosers...
Didn't really start painting until one night, in another state of mind so to speak, in the basement of a friend, while listening to The Birthday Party or Grandmaster Flash or somebody, The Voidoids, back in the early 80's. What a wild painting, kinda wish i still had it, got painted over probably or lit on fire by a jealous someone, who can remember? I know the painting had a skeletal being in a box with head erupting like a volcano, it kind of said it all, you know, at least it kind of seemed like it did...
Well, it got me Seeing and doing art again, got me realizing that somebody sitting in a room somewhere, trying to get their minds on paper, their hearts on canvas or their dreams just turning into SOMETHING, could be worthwhile, and it's been a part of everything for me since then. Have made music, sculptures, photographs, done lots of drawings, writings, watercolors, collage, prints, cray-pas pictures and etc. The use of yarn has only been happening in the last couple of years. Each piece, on average, is 13 1/2" x 10 1/2 ", and takes about two dozen hours to complete, not including getting the sketches ready or going to buy the yarn or anything.
I must say, i do not feel as if they are entirely my own creations. Spirits are helping many, many folks out there, helping them find their ways, to find the things their hands and hearts can do the best, and are helping them to do so. The natives peoples of this, and any, land, have always acknowledged those who are attuned to the Creator, and i believe that these Spirits do not discriminate against anything except bad intentions. That's how it seems...
Anybody else out there get flashes like this, instant recognitions of the ancient secrets, reincarnated dreams of moments, itching away at the dust of everything? These pictures are about animals, telepathy, lost relationships, old love, myths, creatures, and happenstance, and always about connections. Colors and textures, also, thanks to the yarn itself. Seeing these pictures in person is always so much better. I've drifted away from drawing and painting, because of the 3D effects of using yarn.
To see more of them, please check into the website listed somewhere here, with a new batch coming online shortly, and more, hopefully, being made down the way...... is that enough now? did i say enough to fill the space? seems like everyone was saying so much. please see our art. it all speaks for itself, for us, and for us all..
Steve Asparagus
Please visit www.steveasparagus.com
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