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Mr. Peanut:
of course he'll be there

Artscape Links

Since 1999 we have been attending ARTSCAPE and every year we learn something new.  In 1999 and 2000 we learned that, like all aspects of life, there are some artists that succeed and a few that fail miserably during ARTSCAPE.  We also learned about FOODSCAPE, an alternative to ARTSCAPE, kind of like the red pill from the Matrix.  We learned why it is sometimes refered to as 'BEERSCAPE' from local businesses, gallery owners and artists.  We learned about the ART CARS in 1999 and found out why they were almost excluded in 2000.  We learned in 2000 the '20 SCULPTURE' event uses the same group of artists year in and year out, and rumored to have become a 'Friend of the Director' event.  This is our 3rd year at ARTSCAPE, and we believe the 3rd times the charm.  We hope to find what is the truth and what is not, for now here is Baltimore's Premier Art Event, Artscape.

Artscape 1999 - 2000 minus 1
Artscape 2000 - Artafexus
The Street Festival Formerly Known As Artscape 2001
Artscape 2002 - Creating Harmony
FoodScape 2000
Foodscape 2001
One Man's Opinion
Artscape 2004
Artscape 2005
Artscape 2006 and Photos!

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