Jenna Morrison:
the art of pencil drawing

Pencil Art by Jenna MorrsionJust this past Friday I was talking with the Deputy Art Director at the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore, when we both agreed that "...the most talented are usually the least known..."

Meet a high school senior looking for direction, Jenna Morrison

Jenna is in love with art, especially pencil drawing.  I found her work surfing the WWW, and when I stumbled across her and her mothers web site I was just knocked out by this artist.  I've always admired the young and talented especially when they have a passion for their work at such a tender age.  "Jenna competed in adult juried shows when she was quite young in the Omaha Council Bluffs Metro area. She has received awards in excellence in school competitions in Southwest Iowa.  She is also cited with very high marks in citizenship by her teacher..." adds her mother Phyliss Morrison.

She'd like to continue developing as an artist and is looking for advise.  Where should she go, what's her best choices?  Jenna graduates from highschool this December and she's looking forward to hearing from you.

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