Karen Trask:
why can't THIS be love...

It has to be one of my all time favorite Van Halen tunes... When I'm dancing at my drafting table, pencil in hand, twirling the straight-edge over the paper, I think, yeah, to me, this is love.  Even if I don't have the tune playing, somehow it creeps into my head when I touch brush, or pencil or pen to the canvas, fabric or paper.  Not far behind is that burst of electrical energy that runs through my entire body.  It's like that magical first kiss when you know the person you're with is one with you, you're so very right with each other, for each other.  I know that at that moment, I'm so very right with my art. It is my reason for being.  For an artist, that feeling is true love.  It may be difficult for a non-artist to understand the passion we artists feel when creating a piece of art, but it is my belief that you will only get out of your work what you put into it, and eventually others will too.

kTd - Karen Dale Trask
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