Lillianne Massey Dent:
water colors

"A painting should take the Viewer to a place one cannot go on an ordinary day..."

I did not begin to paint until 6 years ago!  I knew that I had a strong sense of design and color from my youth, but I had spent 25 years as a mother/wife and had not taken time to develop my skills and turn my talent loose!

I have studied in both England and the US and have attended many workshops. I have taken ribbons and purchase awards in several shows and hit the net with my own website in July 1999...  I am a member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society, Tri State Artist Association, Ashland Area Art Gallery, Beckley Art Group and am represented by half a dozen galleries in the West Virignia and Kentucky area.

I have been accused of using watercolor as if it were oil or acrylic. I paint boldly and have no fear of "merging".  My favorite subjects are birds, blooms and butterflies.  I enjoy landscapes but like to make them seasonal and with a clear theme.  I am a great lover of the sea and do some of my best work right on the beach.  Very exhilerating!  My plans after teaching as a special education specialist for the next five years will be to live a the beach as much of each year as possible.  In fact, I hope to visit as many beaches as possible during the balance of my life.

Lillianne Massey Dent
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