Meet Margaret Hoskins, digital and multimedia artist. After you read this short article on Margaret please take time to visit her extremely cool website (Triad 3)to learn more about her and her work. My favorite part is her use of a "briefcase" as an image's a must see. I would also like to personally
thank Margaret for her reciprocal link and taking part in Februarys' Valentine feature.
Hoskins is currently a mother, artist, illustrator, editor, and webmaster. She is self-taught, and the media used include digital (2D and 3D), acrylic
paint (on paper, canvas, board, and muslin), colored pencil, pen and ink,
photography, jewelry, and wire sculpture.
The subject matter of her pieces
mostly revolves around steady themes. Female figures, flowers and
other shapes from nature, and masks are seen frequently in her work, either
by themselves or in combinations. Her ultimate goal is to be as eclectic as possible. On occasion, she has been known to half-jokingly refer to herself as a Millennial Woman, saying with a grin, "Those Renaissance Men didn't have anything on us. They were single and supported by patrons. Try finding time and energy to be creative with little ones and work."
"I enjoy being able to use what I've
learned from different techniques and applying it to others. Although the
final results are different depending on the medium, I feel that all of
my pieces are related. I've only recently been able to incorporate
aspects of my 3D digital work into acrylic painting. I'm looking
forward to seeing what direction this path will take. I would love
to design CD or book covers. The idea of art on everyday objects
appeals to me."
Digital works are available for purchase
in a variety of print sizes and qualities. Limited edition pieces
are also available. Please e-mail for details. Also, please
inquire by e-mail for commissioned pieces, illustration, and web site design.

Margaret Hoskins
E-mail Comments Welcome
Please Visit M. Hoskins' Site Triad 3