Paula Alavesa:
finnish artist

I think Paula Alavesa really uses watercolors, oil paints and the computer to the maximum.  If you look close enough at her art, you'll find paintings inside the paintings. It's not just this that I love about Paula's work, it's also the fact she uses almost every centimeter of "canvas" space and uses it with imagination.  She does not stop at what we, the audience, would consider the subject of her paintings, she continues the painting to the very edge of the canvas.  I think her paintings are like novels, it's done paragraph to paragraph, chapter to chapter, and all along creating a story for each of us.  My personal favorites are Ruukkuim and Kukka, simple and elegant paintings.  Please welcome Paual Alavesa from's a short introduction from Paula.

After getting my first crayons, I learned to paint gradually and my main learning technique being trial and error. Because I have found that language is restrictive as compared to images, I was attracted to painting as a means of communication and self-expression, which is much more perceivable than speaking.

I use mainly watercolours but when that media is not adequate I use a computer or oil paints. I find my themes from nature and people, the style of realisation of thoughts vary between surrealism and impressionism. I seldom offer my interpretation of my own work because I do not think my interpretation would be truer than anyone else’s, since, even if the painting is not, the interpretation in it self always is abstract. I am not much of a writer and would wish my images do the rest of the story telling.

Ruukkuim - "Watercolour painting showing two human figures  embracing in a flower-pot under a torn sky, but thats only my opinion about it." PJA
Kukka - "Watercolur painting, I rarely use light colours like this, but when I did this painting I was in a mood for something more delicate than usual." PJA
Dragonfly - "Watercolour portrait of a deceased friend of mine." PJA
Puzzle - "I guess this could have been painted using watercolours in that hazy, absent minded state I usually am after a long day of lectures only on mathematical subjects." PJA
Ker - "Watercolour painting or a combination of two paintings actually. The kerub has been cut of from an earlier painting since she didn´t look like at home there." PJA

Paula Alavesa, Finland
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