The Pop Tarts
of Pop Art:
Vicki, Arlene & Nicole

Vancouver's PopTarts of Pop Art chose to band together because there is strength in numbers.The number three to be exact,the Trinity. Vicki M., artist and curator, hot tempered red-head...Arlene Kofol, multi-media artist, raven-haired vixen...and Nicole Steen, artist, musician...bottle-blonde bombshell.

Formed in 1997 out of a great desire to infuse the local art scene with much needed "girly"art. Images of women,focusing on symbolism,pop icons and the hypocrisy of so-called social "values" in our media influenced mass culture.

"Glamour" and "Danger" being key words in our vocabularies, exhibits are based on themes that are accentuated on opening nights with costume and music. Past shows have included Pin-Up Girls,Villainesses and Female Musicians.

Besides painting constantly and furiously ,we spend our time sipping cocktails getting down to the nitty-gritty of being gals and launching our collective conspiracy with a little irony and alot of humour.

Vicki, Arlene, Nicole
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"bringing IT to you the way THEY won't...It's art baby! art!"

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