Art Honors Life

{ BEE } HERE NOW Art Honors Life | The Gallery at FUNERIA
Opening August 18

Reception: Saturday, August 18, 6-8 PM

Art Honors Life in Wine Country Venue

August 18 "(Bee) Here Now" Reception Celebrates Grand Opening of Contemporary Urn Gallery

More than 80 original contemporary funerary urns and vessels by 30 artists from throughout the US and 6 foreign countries will be featured at the opening of Art Honors Life--the 1,800 square foot Northern California art gallery that The New York Times celebrated earlier this year as "the nation's first" in offering an exclusive collection of finely handcrafted cremation urns and personal memorial artworks ("In Death as in Life, A Personalized Space" by Patricia Leigh Brown, 1/18/07). The gallery's owner, Maureen Lomasney,www.funeria.com describes the welcome exposure as "pivotal in mainstreaming a difficult subject...making it possible for more people to imagine how personal memorial art that is simply beautiful, charming, powerful or elegant, can honor a life that embodied those characteristics too."

Lomasney describes the gallery invitation's title "(Bee) Here Now", as a "mashup" prompted by the title of a best selling book by Ram Dass that inspired a generation, the survival of honeybees and an endangered environment, and her own efforts since 2001 "to pollinate and sting" the relationships forged between an entrenched $11 billion US funeral industry and a public ill at ease in their own attitudes about death. The gallery is scheduled to open just as the Cremation Association of North America's (CANA's) 89th annual convention closes at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel.

The opening reception of Art Honors Life Gallery is Saturday, August 18, from 6-8 PM, 2860 Bowen St. at the Atelier One artists' building in the town of Graton, located an hour north of San Francisco in Sonoma County, California. The exhibition will be on-going. All artworks are available for sale, to order or commission. Call 707 829 1966, visit funeria.com, or email arthonorslife@funeria.com for information.

While Art Honors Life will be open most afternoons year-round, appointments are strongly recommended.

707 829 1966 (local)
888 829 1966 (US toll free)

FUNERIA and Art Honors Life are registered trademarks of FUNERIA LLC, Graton CA USA. All rights reserved.
FUNERIA LLC 2860 Bowen Street | Graton, California 95444-0221 | 707 829 1966


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