The Unofficial Graffiti Museum?

BALTIMORE--This is one cool place to see.  My first impression, "it should be a museum or gallery!" Three full floors of graffiti, every wall, from floor to ceiling covered with this art.  Later, I found out in addition to the local graffiti artists contributing, others from Philadelphia and beyond left their "TAGS" along these walls.  As far as Scott could remember this all started 14 years ago, with various artists returning to "redo" their work, start a new one or just visit!  Rumor also has it that RAVE parties occasionally find there way into this building.

The Players that evening included Jen, Tina, Dave, Scott and yours truly, we caught up with the Jules at the gallery.  When, late on a cold Spring Friday evening, we just left an art party and the guys decided to make a quick stop they said I would enjoy.  Where, on the often dangerous and always dark West Side of Baltimore City.   The Building looked deserted, no lights, no sound and the "front" door itself was hard to pick out in the dark.

The Scene -- Knock! Knock! on the door, several minutes pass and no answer, Scott steps back away onto the sidewalk and yells up identifying himself to who ever may be listening from the inside.  Still, nothing only a drunken passerby across the street yells a few profanities at us then decides to hurl a bottle in our direction, breaking only a couple of feet away!  Finally, something from inside, a window on the second floor begins to slowly creak open.  Out pokes a head lit up only with a flashlight, it's Jules and he's glad to see his protege's Scott and Dave along with the rest of us.  "Just a minute" says Jules, "I'm coming right down..."  Seemed like many minutes passed by before the front door opened, we stumbled up the dark steps and into a room no less than 30 feet wide, 50 feet deep with 20 foot ceilings, illuminated with only one bare bulb off in a corner, but once your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, it was a glorious site to behold...







  • Baltimore's Unofficial Graffiti Museum
  • Graffiti from Venice Beach California
  • more Graffiti Photos by Randall Gornowich
  • Graffiti from the UK
  • The Dive, Seoul South Korea
  • San Francisco - Mission District

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