Margalit Kurzweil:
Margalit Kurzweil

I was born and raised during the 70’s in Copenhagen, Denmark, then moved to Israel during the 80’s, attended the Wizo College of Design where I studied photography, art & design, graduating in 1995.

My first foray into art was a mural: coloring in the flowered wallpaper of our Artist and Photographer Margalit KurzweilFredriksberg apartment from my room, through the corridor, and into the living room, all only from the floor up to as high as I could reach, being just three-years-old.My mom was pleased that I was able to stay in the lines. My dad was much less excited since he had to do the repairing.

Back to the 80’s, after graduating high school in Israel, I volunteered working with deaf children. It was a really fulfilling time in my life and I enjoyed it very much, but when I had to decide what to study there was no doubt

At that time photography was my greatest interest. My graphic style and love of color led me to collages, in which I combined the written word, expressed in quotes of people who I admire and who I feel reflect my thoughts.

Portraits - My love of people and communicating in general comes across most clearly in my portraits. I do not use heavy equipment or props as I find that imposing on my 'subjects' who are mainly my good friends. The images are basically moments and snippets of interaction, trust, and 100% reflection and attention on both sides of the lens.

Collages - What interests and inspires me in my collages is pure graphic expression. I am not dependant on a subject, rather I am alone with myself and images - images that find in magazines, my own photographs, drawings and all kinds of materials. I like to create textures and to take images, colors, and objects that exist and give them a new meaning like - "gestalt". I enjoy the collage process, which can take a day or months of work shooting and printing my initial images, becoming inspired by magazine images, tearing everything up and gluing it together, painting and adding stuff (whatever is around), shooting the whole thing from different angles, adding text and starting the whole process again.

8 Collages
10 Portraits
9 Other Works
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