m o v i e   p e r s o n:
minority report

Let me first say I do not care much for Tom Cruise movies, but this one might be worth a view or two.  This movie touches on ideas we are all going through right now, how to stop violence before it happens.

The movie takes place in 2054, its premise is how lives may be altered if technology and fanaticism takes hold in any society.  The movie is about stopping crimes before they happen, sound familiar?  In the year 2054, the US government, Pre Crime Division, has the technology and know how to see into the future as far as murders are concerned.  They actually see the crime happening before it takes place and arrest the would be killer, thus death and needless suffering is circumvented.

Without giving away too much of the plot, I found "Minority Report" a mix of two other great movies, the social consciousness of "A Clockwork Orange" and the murder mystery of "Total Recall", movies that take place in a different time and a different society.  It also brings back memories of Japanese Internment during World War II and shades of the campaign against Communist subversion during the Senator Joseph McCarthy years.  It is scarry real and not too far into the future.  (BTW - Minority Report and Total Recall, as well as Blade Runner, are novels and short stories by Philip K. Dick, all written before 1977)

Minority Report is a "SEE IT" movie, and afterwards, remember what the former Washington Redskin coach George Allen use to say, the future is now...

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