Rachel Zimmerman Ben-shahar:
an Israeli sculptor

Sculpture by Rachel Zimmerman Ben-shaharMy name is Rachel Zimmerman Ben-shahar, an Israeli sculptor.

I began to sculpture fifteen years ago, after years of painting and drawing.  I mainly sculpture women in nude, since I find the woman's body enchanting.  I love the multifaceted recreation opportunities, which are revealed in the female-body, while kneading the clay; the endless possibilities of curves, fissures, tenderness, roundedness and sexuality. 

During creating and shaping the statuette, I give full expression to my emotions, allowing them to naturally flow into each sculpture, which becomes an inherent part of me.   I create only a limited number of copies of each piece (not exceeding ten copies) Sculptures can be ordered in any required size

Art by Rachel Zimmerman Ben-shahar

Rachel Zimmerman Ben-shahar
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