Baltimore, MD - The Artguy was a participating artist in this years juried show.
The Best - As a participant, all I can say to best describe my 2nd year at Artscape is to paraphrase this famous line, "it's real and it's spectacular"! Artscape for me is a great great show, I cannot think of another show that delivers this way. Dollar for dollar it is my most successful but the real beauty of Artscape is the atmosphere, the crowds and the buzz.
Artscape usually take place on the 3rd weekend in July, Friday 12:00 - 10:00, Saturday 12:00 - 10:00 and Sunday 12:00 - 8:00, it is a long and very hot and humid weekend. This year the Festival opened 4 hours earlier than the usual 4:00, this was the worst part for me. Those that know the Artguy, you know I did little advanced planning, and to be able to pack my stuff, drive down from Philly, and set up by 9:30 am Friday was almost more than I could handle, the Artguy had to wake up really really really early Friday to make this deadline. It was done with the help of good guy and artist David Kendall, many thanks to David for the help and the ... "interesting"... company. Before I forget, let me thank Mary Ellen Bronco at the Pearl Gallery in Hampden and Sara, Melinda and Tony at Gallery ID8 in Fell's point, both provided needed help and support to make things run smoothly! BTW - congrats to Sara on her super achievement at the Baltimore School of Arts - keep it up...
About - Artscape is held in the city of Baltimore on the MICA Campus (Maryland Insitute, Colleg of Art) with the historically famous Mount Royal Tavern (with real bathrooms and AC and ice cold $1 Naty Bohs) just a short walk away.
Artscape is all about bringing good things to the city. Art and culture are evenly empasized. There are 3 music stages with the likes of Ozomati, Shaggy, the Swingin' Swamis, the Motor Morons and even the great Mayor Martin O'Malley and his band O'Malley's March participating. There is music going on from opening till closing every night of Artscape. Is this all, NO! This year inlcuded Fashion Shows, Operas, Theater, Film, plus more. Is this all, NO! You had the usual array of food and beverage around each corner, is this all, NO! It is the CROWDS that make Artscape the best festival I have ever been a particpant. You will find them ALL at Artscape, the Yuppies, the Dinks, purple hair, orange hair, the Tattoo crowd, singles, couples, single child family, the neighbors, gangsters, trouble makers, the white collar, the blue collar, black, white, brown, yellow, gay, lesbian and they are all at Artscape for one thing, to enjoy themselves. The worst part of Artscape for me, is not being able to walk around and take in everything the festival has to offer!
How Was It? - Artscape can only be ranked at the very top of anyone's list to both visit and to participate in. But be warned, this is NOT a show for the faint heart or the shy. The crowds will not allow you to just sit back and relax, you must be alert and aware of your surrondings. You must be an active particpant to have success at this festival, people are as interested in you as they are in the art. At times on Friday night, it was a little loud and aggresive, the crowds this night were large and ready to party. I cannot imagine not selling one's art to the crowds found at Artscape. Just the shear numbers of people, would not allow you failure. I think Artscape is a little like the New York, New York song, just a little different, "if you can't make it at Artscape, you can't make it anywhere". This is how strongly I feel re: the crowds, they are huge, immensely diverse crowds and you should be able to pick out a few to buy your stuff. If not, it's back to the drawing board. No excuses for failure accepted here! The young and the young at heart will do well at Artscape.
Personally - Artscape is the one festival I know I will enjoy! Unlike last year, I didn't feel I had a GREAT inventory but to my surprise, I sold more stuff, and by Sunday afternoon, I was down to just a handful of pieces. Success or Failure is in your hands. You cannot complain about location, you cannot complain about foot traffic, people are at Artscape to look at your stuff, just give them something to love or hate but give them something.
The Worst - The worst part of Artscape for me is not being able to hang with friends and the crowd. Each day started early and ended late. Set up on Friday morning by 9:30 am was a KILLER! Breaking down on Sunday was not too bad, but by then you're ready to hit the sack or six pack, but you still had an hour or so to go before you were completely done. In between, the weather was hot and humid. Would I go through this again, ABSOLUTELY!
Thanks For the Visit - Thanks to everyone that stopped by esp. ADiaz (thanks for the beer run and good luck in Paris this semester), Kerwin (for dinner), yo Scott (stay out of trouble), yo Alex (sorry I didn't recognize you with the hat on), RAG (maybe that's as good as it gets), Tami (just thanks), JLaw (they don't know what they're missing), JP and Darrin (been too long, lookin' good), Shannon (for waiting), the THIN Grl (Shirt v. Ex Crd), KDill (just keep going), the Guy from the Sowebo Festival (it's on my calender for '06), the girls from CAPITOLBIKES.COM (I'll be in touch), Hope's Images (on my right), Art with Heart (on my left) and if I forgot somebody, you know why, so give me a holler...
To sum up Artscape 2005, let me use something Juan Antonio Samaranch would say at the conclusion of each Olympic Games, "Artscape - Baltimore 2005, has been the BEST Artscape ever!"
until next time, break on through to the other side...
also see Artscape 1999 - Present et al
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