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The art of Vanja Rancic, Nerver Ending Loneliness
Paintings by Martyn Lacey
Just a few visual statements on the human
condition and a few artists who
bucked the preordained system.
Tom Chambers
Documentary and Visual Arts

Introduction and discussion of Tom Chambers Documentary and Visual Arts projects.
Artist Tracy Hall, the art of realism
watercolours by Tracy Hall
Highly detailed botanical studies and flower paintings in
watercolour by Orkney based artist
BIO Gallery
BIO.Gallery. The gallery of the Swedish artist. Britt.I.Olofsson (BIO)
New Swedish Abstract art in mix media
White Lake
2' by 5' oil on canvas painting of Paynes, a White Lake marina by 23 year old Woodstock Artist, Jewel Eggink, illustrator and muralist. Image is from her personal collection
Byrum Fantasy Art Gallery
Gallery of fantasy art by artist Ron Byrum. Art that presents a magical world of beauty, hope, love, inspiration and thought provoking illustrations.
Art, Romance : Paintings by Enriquillo
Original still life and beautiful women portraits, by Caribbean artist Enriquillo. Full of color and romance
Out of Our Minds Art Gallery
This is a personal art gallery for Candace Taylor Lange, an abstract artist from Idaho
Paper to Pixels
Marc Snyder and Marti Haykin presents works on paper. It is also the home of the Fiji Island Mermaid Press, creator of small non-precious books and such
Marquis de Panasewicz's
Galleries d'Enfer

The Marquis, a master in all art/graphics doamins invites you to free your most hidden desires by visiting his various art galleries, to stir souls, minds and imaginations: fine art, erotica, fantasy art, native art, commerical art, technical art, custom art. Welcome to the Marquis' ART world.
BODYSCAN Digital Photography
Bodyscan is a digital photograph, serial image of a nude, scanned from foot to head across the back and head to foot across the front.
Angela Thomson's Gallery
Paintings by a Montreal artist.
the art collective
The UK's most innovative art collective present fluxus art for the next millenium in the form of 'stickfactory'
Manor House Gallery
Contemporary British Painting -- An Oxfordshire UK gallery showing work by contemporary British artists - mainly members of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour

City Kitty Company
Have you gone Moskowitz yet?
Hidden Beauty Gallery
Hidden Beauty Gallery offers an eclectic accumulation of international, museum-quality fine art, antiques and elegant accessories. The inventory includes paintings, prints, furniture, Native American and Oriental art and crafts, rugs and religious art and artifacts.
Fitzpatrick Design & Illustration
Fitzpatrick Design Services include: icon design, logo design, illustration, book cover layout, print design, web site design, as well as a variety of stock illustration.
Painting and other stuff done by me. The most recent addition or painting to the site is located here: I am currently working on the site so it is still really messy.
BlackHole (FM)
Finnish contemporary artist Ismo Jokiaho. Partly in english.
Liviano Valzelli
Pittore lombardo, ha esplorato l'informale in ogni aspetto della sua matericità, le sue opere sono presenti in numerose collezioni in Italia e all'estero.
Tanino Sedda
TANINO SEDDA, was born in Nuoro in the 1937. He had expositions in Cagliari, Porto Rotondo, Milan, Paris, Biarritz, Palm Beach, Perth,Vicenza, Abano Terme, Cesena. His works can be found in many public and private collections in Italy and abroad. He lives and works in Venice.
Antonio Boniolo opere 1977 - 1997
Se il lavoro dell’artista può considerarsi come il risultato di indagine e ricerca sul linguaggio e la sua trasformazione in messaggio poetico, ciò è pienamente verificabile nella pittura di Antonio Boniolo
Surrealomania - Surrealist art gallery covering many styles with regulary updated artists
The surreal art of artist Christian J. Faur
The dark surreal art of urban artist Christian J. Faur presented to an indeterminant world
Rado Vleugel art
Intriguing art of the surrealistic Dutch painter Rado Vleugel.
BIO gallery
The Sniveling Goat: No reason to cry
alternative underground views on mainstream art and technology. no one will be let off easy
interesting artlinks
(inter)national artlinks collected for you by the dutch artist jan schreurs, you can add an interesting artsite here!
Liptak Art - Wood Carvings
Fantasy Art Wood Carvings
Brave New World, art by Jeff Lee
Brave New World
Jan-Thomas Art Paintings Sweden
Murals Publications from RJD Enterprises
Celebration of community based mural movement. Changing Mural of the Month feature. Publications about mural art, including spraycan work, in Los Angeles, California and around the U.S.
Abstract Painting Non-Objective Art
Abstract paintings non-objective using acrylic on canvas by Fine Art Painter Hal Fielding
Ziberglass by Alberto Cerritos
Site includes Artist Alberto Cerritos artwork as well selected Poetry and Essays, Artists Associations and a Host of International Visual Artists.
Figurative Oil Paintings by Leah Bendahan
Featuring figurative oil paintings of club people, music and lifestyle. Presented with Flash animation and music.
Craig Robertson Online Gallery
A selection of Contemporary Paintings, Drawings, Digital Art and Photography from this visual artist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Stephen Brayfield, Fine Art and Illustration
portfolio of watercolor and pastel paintings, portraits, illustration and whimsical art.
The Surrealist and Visionary Works of David Maverick
A gallery of thought provoking and inspirational visionary paintings to make the mind work.
The Art of Spanish Artist, Victoria Contreras
From Spain and the tradition of heterodox thought and art History, over 50 oils, drawings and digital art around human bodies and beings.
I.A.Keer - - The Art of Furniture
The Art of Furniture - - limited edition furnishings: Fantasy is at the core of this award winning studio-art furniture collection. Discover fresh spirited design, handcrafted in creative styles and themes to excite your imagination.
Outsider Art from the Deep South, Outsider Art from the Deep South
Stefan Blondal, Artist / Painter
Official Site of the Award-Winning Danish Painter presenting Oilpaintings in the Categories: Eroticism and Sensuality, Portraits, Mysticism and Spirituality.
3D Digital Artwork - Bryce 3D
Original 3D Artwork created by David L. Bradshaw Created using Bryce 3D 4.01
Catagories Of Artwork: Christian & Religion, Mountains, Water Falls, Fiction, Space.
Marilyn Kirsch
Painting and Work on Paper

Contemporary artist whose abstract imagery has been influenced by architecture and photography; includes oil paintings, drawings, collages and other works on paper.
kyiotei's den
Online gallery since 1994. Collaborations, mailart, poetry, graphics, links, galleries, and more
The Art Academy
The Art Academy offers free image and text links to artists as well as links to art resource sites.
Artists of Siberia
Gallery of russian artworks, all work Originals, all works you can buy... Click on this link and enjoy art from the heart of cold giant country ! You are welcome ! We wait for you !
Art, Prints and Posters by Marc Doyle
Art, Prints and Posters by Marc Doyle

Showcasing the work of artist & designer, Marc Doyle, featuring Marc's celebrated 'CATS', florals, abstracts and landscapes, all available to purchase online as art prints & posters.
Mike Stallard
curiously strong art group uk

Winsome Moon Arts
Illustration, Artist-Painted Furniture, Murals, Trompe L'oeil Wall Art, Art Links, and More. Soft yet delicate style. Custom orders and personalization free and welcome. References available.
Art Exposure
New Zealand's business magazine for the fine arts industry.
piet bouter - 20 categories worth of personal interests cumulatively piled into a loglike set of colourful files weighing in at around 88K when finished. Continuous since 98. early works are split into topic relevant chapters; lasting interests: indiginous foibles and frays. Alternative economics like micro-credit, free-banking and community currency; last but not least: understanding and applying rock dust as the ultimate bottom up measure possible. In one sentence: Escape hedonist hippydom and come to grips with grippyness
David Allio
Comic Asylum
Comic Asylum

Surreal online comic from the UK. Includes 'Paranoid Joe' and the office humour of 'Graham.
Ljubljana Art Group
This page presents a collection of graphics (e-book)
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